“A Sangha is a garden full of many varieties of trees and flowers.  No one plant is greater or lesser or the same as any other plant in the garden. Each member of the Sangha has unique gifts to offer to the community.”  From Happiness by Thich Nhat Hanh

A Sangha is a practice community.  We flourish as we guide and support each other.

Sacred Meditation

Join our community for an ongoing weekly Meditation practice. Sessions are free and all are welcome. Real-time gatherings are Monday at 7am.  Recordings are available. Please register for Zoom link.

Spiritual Study Group

Interested in gathering for spiritual exploration?  We are forming a Study Group(s) to read and discuss The Way of the Heart.  WOH is a spiritual, not religious, text that is a collection of teachings of Jeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus) transcribed from channeled audio recordings.  It is a pathway of healing and awakening.  

This spiritual study is about curiosity and exploration – not teaching any particular set of beliefs.  If you are curious or interested, please send an email through the link below and we will contact you!

Yoga Nidra as Sacred Practice

A Sacred Trails signature program

Coming Summer 2022