explore Sacred Trails...
a note from our founder
Sacred Trails was born out of my desire for a life that is wildly interesting and spiritually rich! It has evolved from a longing for a strong and steady practice community.
This adventure is about forging the trails that lead to our inner home—that space inside that is clear, aware, pure, and unchanging.
My personal journey has cultivated a LOVE for:
❥ travel & culturally rich experience
❥ being in community
❥ quiet moments
❥ yoga
❥ plants, trees, water, nature, & things that come from the earth
I am wrapping my loves into this venture. Come along as we blaze inner trails, discover the textures & sounds of the natural world in new & known places, and leave a sustainable footprint of energized awakened consciousness.
Here, all trails lead home.
With so much love,