Holiday Reflection

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This is not a religious post.  This share is a personal holiday refection and curiosity.  Here it is…

Why is it that we water-down or extract the powerful message contained in the birth of this holiday we call Christmas?

Christmas began as a celebration of a man whose given name I understand to be Jeshua Ben Joseph.  He is better known as Jesus.   He was a sage, “one distinguished for wisdom” (Merriam Webster), like others in spiritual and philosophical traditions.  Like other sages, you may believe or not believe that he physically walked on the earth.  There is much historical evidence that he took human form.

Stories of Jesus’ life reveal actions and teachings that reflect the beautiful qualities of: 

  • Love

  • Acceptance

  • Forgiveness

  • Humility

  • Compassion

  • Gentleness

  • Patience

In his life we see an unwavering and steadfast commitment to elevating humanity.   We see gatherings and deep connection.  We see him embracing all people and using silence and prayer for alignment to his Source and his mission.

The life of Jesus is a beautiful contemplation.  The stories and lessons of this sage have power to guide and elevate each of us energetically and spiritually.  The qualities of his life apply universally.  So why is this extraordinary life so often extracted from the celebration of this season?

It’s curious to me. 

musingLucy Ross1 Comment